

As Kairos Companions, we want to understand you and your concerns, accompany you on your journey, and assist you in achieving your goals.

When selecting Kairos Companions, we place great emphasis on extensive practical coaching experience, based on certified training, and, of course, a passion for helping clients achieve the best!

What are your options to work with us?

  1. Let´s first set up a free call to understand your need and answer your questions.
  2. If we decide which Companion may be the right fit for you, you can plan a Chemistry Talk to get to know each other.
  3. Now you can choose which Coaching package or Consulting would be the best for you and set up your first session.

We are looking forward to work with you!

Meet the Kairos Companions

Every person is unique, just like our Kairos Companions.
With different strengths, techniques, and personal backgrounds, they specialize in providing exactly what you need for your individual requirements. With us, you’ll find not just a coach or consultant, but a partner who passionately supports your goals.

We accompany you step by step on your journey to personal and professional success.

Fredrike Küpper

«Ancient knowledge combined with new science!»

  • Diploma Business Psychologist
  • Systemic Coach (BDVT, dvct, ECA, DCV)
  • ADHD Coach
  • Ayurveda Lifestyle and Nutrition Consultant

Valentin Thoben

«Harmony through work with body & mind»

  • Physiotherapeut BSc
  • Psychosomatic Physiotherapeut Masterlevel
  • Certified Wingwave Coach
  • Wingwave Hypno Coach
  • Certified Dry needling and Biofeedback Practitioner

Sara Baltus

«Life Design and mindful Self- Leadership.»

  • Diploma Business Psychologist
  • Master Leadership Coaching
  • Self-Awareness and Mindfulness Trainer

Sonja Schurig

«Strenght through stillness»

  • M.A. Language and Communication
  • Certified Psychological Consultant
  • Complementary Practitioner
  • Grief Consultant

Interested in working with us?

If you are interested in working with us, please let us know and book your free call.