Blog Posts2024-07-15T19:46:21+02:00


Informative Articles

We love to publish articles on our blog related to the topic of ‘Mental Health & Wellbeing.’ These blog posts cover various areas that we’d love to share with you and give you the chance to get to know us better. Please be aware that they are updated irregularly when we find time alongside our work with clients. We’re delighted if these topics interest you as much as they do us! Feel free to enter your email address at the bottom of the page, so that we can notify you when new posts are online.

Overview of articles

5Monday, 5. August 2024

Health tracking – helpful or over engineered? My experience with Oura

By |Monday, 5. August 2024|Blog article|0 Comments

Tracker - Addictive monitoring or really helpful? The use of health trackers in the form of wearables, such as Garmin, Samsung, Xiaomi, or Apple Watch, Fitbit, as well as the Oura or Humandesign Ring, has become widespread. Initially started in competitive sports,... [mehr lesen]

3Monday, 3. June 2024

Neurodiversity is our nature

By |Monday, 3. June 2024|Blog article|0 Comments

Die entscheidende Rolle von Akzeptanz. Echte Akzeptanz ist der erste Schritt zur Ermächtigung. Erst nachdem man die eigene Neurodivergenz (oder die anderer) anerkennt, versteht und würdigt, kann man nachhaltige Strategien entwickeln und Schritt für Schritt umsetzen, die das Leben angenehmer und... [mehr lesen]

13Monday, 13. May 2024

The Foundation of Holistic Health

By |Monday, 13. May 2024|Blog article|0 Comments

Our foundation is key! Holistic health encompasses more than just the absence of illness: It considers the full spectrum of human experiences and emphasizes the connection between body, mind, and soul. Our focus on restoring and maintaining a balanced state of... [mehr lesen]

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