
Valentin Silvester Thoben

  • Physiotherapist BSc
  • Psychosomatic Physiotherapist Masterlevel
  • Licensed Wingwave Coach
  • Licensed Wingwave Hypnose Coach
  • Certified Dry needling and Biofeedback Therapist

Better life quality through harmony of body and mind

Since 2013, I have been working as a psychosomatic physiotherapist in the Netherlands, meanwhile practicing mainly in Zurich.

My treatments focuses on stress, burnout, trauma and anxiety disorders, chronic pain issues with somatoform complaints, as well as ADHD and dealing with high sensitivity.

For me, appropriate therapy is based on comprehensive diagnostics and good communication, always aiming to empower the patient as quickly as possible to be as competent and self-reliant as possible. Therefore, my support is designed to provide impulses and effective assistance in building this self-help. The support can be short-, medium-, or long-term, depending on the need. However, profound behavioral changes can only be sustainably implemented with medium- to long-term support.

I enjoy working with motivational interviewing, Wingwave, hypnosis, biofeedback in the area of HRV (heart rate variability), as well as various body-oriented methods such as tension releasing exercises and, more recently, electrostimulation of the brain.

Trained in the Netherlands, at the universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht, I place great emphasis on evidence-based diagnostics and scientifically-based treatment methods.

This scientific perspective, combined with great empathy, is largely appreciated by my clients and helps them to find more fullfillment in life.

I offer my service life in the Zurich area or virtually in German, English and Dutch.

NeuroResources Coach | Born to feel good
Valentin Silvester Thoben Psychosomatischer Physiotherapeut Wingwave-Coach