Terms and Conditions

 1. Guiding Principles

1.1 Kairos Coaching und Consulting F. Küpper offers services in coaching, consulting, or training for individuals and companies, as per the published offerings on kairos-in-company.com.

1.2 The approach is individually tailored. The relevant consulting services are determined collaboratively by the person seeking advice, the consultant, and, if applicable, the client. These services are continuously evaluated and adjusted as needed.

2. Contract Agreement

2.1 During the initial consultation with private clients, the assignment and expected costs are discussed. Since coaching involves process work, the approach can be adapted to the client’s wishes and needs, even if it deviates from the original agreement.

For corporate clients, a binding offer is created for the expected effort, and a cost framework and ceiling are defined based on the agreement.

A coach from Kairos Coaching und Consulting F. Küpper acts on behalf of the person or company to be advised, invoicing the resulting expenses according to the offer or agreement.

If additional effort becomes apparent during a consulting process compared to the agreement, Kairos Coaching und Consulting F. Küpper will inform the client and formulate an adjusted agreement or modified offer together.

3. Billing Principle

3.1 Services rendered are either billed based on the applicable hourly rate for private individuals (see services) or, for corporate clients, according to the offer or agreed-upon package.

4. Billable Services:

Virtual or in-person consulting and coaching sessions

Processing time (preparation and follow-up of counseling sessions) is included in the hourly rate/package price

Expenses and travel costs when the coach/consultant/trainer needs to travel

5. Rates

5.1 The rates published on the website www.kairos-in-company.com at the time of service provision or the signed offer are binding.

6. Payment Terms

6.1 Consulting services within packages are due 5 days after the initial conversation. Partial payments can be individually arranged. Hourly consulting fees are invoiced and due 5 days after each session (except for the first consultation).

For corporate contracts, payment terms are as offered, with payment due within 14 days after the first session/training (for multiple sessions).

6.2 Payment for initial consultations within counseling is to be made in advance.

6.3 Invoice payment terms are 14 days net or as agreed upon (cash/TWINT/Paypal).

6.4 Partial payments can be arranged as agreed upon. Details and modalities are discussed during the initial consultation.

7. Billing for Missed or Canceled Appointments

7.1 Appointments canceled more than 24 hours in advance are not billed. For consultations canceled within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, a reasonable cancellation fee of up to 100% of the reserved time may be charged.

7.2 For missed or late-arriving appointments without notice, the reserved time will be invoiced at the full rate.

8. Written Documents

8.1 All coaching and counseling conversations are confidential and subject to professional secrecy. Modalities regarding information shared with a client are individually agreed upon between the involved parties.

8.2 Dissemination of documents to external entities or clients can only occur with the written consent of the person seeking advice.