About Us

Kairos – in good Company

In case you were wondering why we choose our name…

We were inspired by the concept of the greek persona Kairos, who represents feeling and using the right moment to act in life. To support you in reaching your goals, we accompany you on your way.

Most likely you know the feeling of fighting against strong forces in your life. And hopefully you also experienced these wonderful moments, when everything seems to be easy and nearly miraculously falls into place?!

These are true Kairos-Moments and we want you to catch more of them!

Recognizing and using your chances

We believe that a deep connection and trust into your intuition combined with courage to act tactically, allow everyone to recognized/ feel the chances in your life and act with easy and joy on them.

No more fighting!

Sometimes it just works like a charm, but to claim more of these powerful moments in the future and bring this quality of ease into your life, you first need to learn how to look inside yourself. Get stronger by strengthening your intuition! Which is not easy nowadays, especially as we are bombarded with content and external validation everywhere.

Do you really feel yourself? Do you know your values and wishes for your unique life? Do you really know, what makes you happy or do you maybe follow a certain path just because “one does so”…?

We are your company on this search in your inner world, help you to get to know yourself better and are passionate to support you in finding contentment in yourself.

Choaching und Beratung | Rike & Valentin Kairos in Company Coaches

Coaching and Consulting focus

In the past years, we had the pleasure to have worked with many neurodiverse clients. We consider the needs, abilities, and challenges of neurodivergent individuals with ADHD, ADD, and autism spectrum disorder (ASS) as intricate, highly individual, and particularly fascinating.

Acceptance is key!

If your are experincign challengess in your life, struggle with your work or family or were maybe recently diagnosed…
In the field we’ve discovered that accepting your limitations and then strategically navigating them, leads to a much more pleasant life, allowing the strength of one’s personality to shine even brighter.

We all have a lot to offer to the world, we want you to really feel what you bring to the table!

The combination of various scientifically supported disciplines, such as bodywork with breathing techniques, biofeedback, hypnosis, Wingwave, and maybe incorporating principles from Ayurvedic lifestyle practices alongside cognitive methods, has proven successful in supporting our clients.

Additionally, analyzing stress and recovery metrics using wearables like the Oura Ring or Apple Watch can be very helpful for achieving long-term behavioral changes.
If you want to know a bit more about metrics and behavioral changes, please see our blogpost on this topic or contact us.

Private or Company Coaching/Consulting needed?

We love to support our clients over several weeks with our coaching packages, as lasting behavioural changes take a little time.

Organizational support in form of business coaching, consulting and training programes for employees amnd management is one of our specialties with a huge impact.

Our specialized Consulting can work as a refresher or impulse for you.

Free introduction call

We would love to introduce Kairos and our work to you. Book your free introduction call.

Diversity and inclusion… Our brains are diverse too!

A topic society can no longer wants to ignore! Neurodiversity, which encompasses the diversity of our brains and, consequently, our personalities, has been a hot topic. The demand for support in the field of neurodivergence within the healthcare sector has been steadily increasing for years.

Many people recognize their own challenges in the experiences shared by others, engage with the topic of spectrum disorders due to their children, and ultimately receive a late diagnosis themselves in adulthood.

Especially in women, ADHD often went unrecognized because they experience their hyperactivity more internally.

Company Training and Coaching

Mental Health and Wellbeing of employees are crucial for business success!
We support your company with tailored Training or Leadership Development targeting Mental Health or specifically Neurodiversity in the workplace.
Live group settings, 1:1 sparring and leadership coaching as well as online group training is possible.

Challenge Neurodiversity

The needs, abilities, and challenges of neurodivergent people with ADHD, ADD, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex, highly individual, and particularly fascinating. A combination of various scientifically supported disciplines such as bodywork with breathing techniques, biofeedback, hypnosis, Wingwave, and cognitive methods, along with recommendations from Ayurvedic lifestyle practices, has been proven to be very successful in our work.


Learn more about our coaches, the Kairos Companions and their expertise.